June 18, 2017



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CategoryTravel Social Platform
Primary BusinessHotel
Operating CompanyRoomer Travel, Inc.
Parent CompanyNone
HeadquarterNew York, NY, United States
# of Employees10-50
Online Year2011
Service LanguagesEnglish, Deutsch, Spanish, French
Property InventoryN/A
Total Visits in May 2017:100.2K
DescriptionRoomer is a peer-to-peer marketplace for nonrefundable hotel rooms. With Roomer, you can sell your nonrefundable hotel rooms or find a good deal from someone who cannot stay at their reserved hotel room. Roomer takes care of the communications with hotels to transfer the guest name. As a seller, you can set any price you want as long as there is a buyer for it. The recommendation is 50% off.
HistoryRoomer was founded in Tel Aviv by Ben Froumine, Gon Ben David and Adi Zellner in September 2011.
CategoryTravel Social Platform
Primary BusinessHotel
Operating CompanyRoomer Travel, Inc.
Parent CompanyNone
HeadquarterNew York, NY, United States
# of Employees10-50
Online Year2011
Service LanguagesEnglish, Deutsch, Spanish, French
Property InventoryN/A
Total Visits in May 2017:100.2K
DescriptionRoomer is a peer-to-peer marketplace for nonrefundable hotel rooms. With Roomer, you can sell your nonrefundable hotel rooms or find a good deal from someone who cannot stay at their reserved hotel room. Roomer takes care of the communications with hotels to transfer the guest name. As a seller, you can set any price you want as long as there is a buyer for it. The recommendation is 50% off.
HistoryRoomer was founded in Tel Aviv by Ben Froumine, Gon Ben David and Adi Zellner in September 2011.

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