June 16, 2017



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CategoryHotel Meta-search
Primary BusinessHotel
Operating CompanyTrivago N.V.
Parent CompanyExpedia, Inc.
HeadquarterDusseldorf, Germany
# of Employees1,300
Online Year2005
Service Languages33 languages
Property Inventory1.3 million
Total Visits in May 2017:20.3M
DescriptionTrivago is a hotel metasearch website. It makes money from advertising partners primarily using a cost-per-click(CPC) business model. OTAs and hoteliers list rates and advertise on the Trivago site, paying for the clicks received from Trivago users. Since Expedia is its majority shareholder, Trivago may have various "adjustments"on the result to direct bookings to Expedia sites. They also offer rates through sites reselling for travel wholesales where rooms may or may not be available at time of booking. Trivago claims to search more than 250 sites. But in many situations, prices at Trivago are higher than the prices from the vendors.
HistoryTrivago was founded in 2005 by college friends Rolf Schromgens, Peter Vinnemeier, Stephan Stubner and Malte Siewert. It is Germany's first hotel search engine. In 2013, Expedia acquired 61.6% stake in Trivago for $632 million. In 2016, Trivago took majority control of Base7booking and integrated its property management system to manage operations for independent hoteliers. Trivago became publicly traded on the NASDAQ exchange in December 2016 although Expedia retains the majority control.
CategoryHotel Meta-search
Primary BusinessHotel
Operating CompanyTrivago N.V.
Parent CompanyExpedia, Inc.
HeadquarterDusseldorf, Germany
# of Employees1,300
Online Year2005
Service Languages33 languages
Property Inventory1.3 million
Total Visits in May 2017:20.3M
DescriptionTrivago is a hotel metasearch website. It makes money from advertising partners primarily using a cost-per-click(CPC) business model. OTAs and hoteliers list rates and advertise on the Trivago site, paying for the clicks received from Trivago users. Since Expedia is its majority shareholder, Trivago may have various "adjustments"on the result to direct bookings to Expedia sites. They also offer rates through sites reselling for travel wholesales where rooms may or may not be available at time of booking. Trivago claims to search more than 250 sites. But in many situations, prices at Trivago are higher than the prices from the vendors.
HistoryTrivago was founded in 2005 by college friends Rolf Schromgens, Peter Vinnemeier, Stephan Stubner and Malte Siewert. It is Germany's first hotel search engine. In 2013, Expedia acquired 61.6% stake in Trivago for $632 million. In 2016, Trivago took majority control of Base7booking and integrated its property management system to manage operations for independent hoteliers. Trivago became publicly traded on the NASDAQ exchange in December 2016 although Expedia retains the majority control.
Screenshot of www.trivago.com

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